I have been going through a bit of a growth spurt lately, but I am weary of the waiting. Now, I don't mean a physical growth spurt, but a spiritual one. God is up to something and what bothers me most is I don't know the plan. I know ALL He does is for my good even though the "good" is hard to see at the present moment. I have been reminded very often of Romans 8:28 a little more than I would like these past couple of months. Our family situation is very much out of our control, but yet I am grateful...so thankful for God's provisions and everlasting love.
He continues to remind me of the power of prayer through brothers and sisters in Christ who have lifted us up in unceasing prayer. I am grateful for those God chaser souls whose faith keeps me strong in the wake of my doubting. So thankful for you all!
He continues to remind me of His faithfulness in His provisions for my family. We have had shelter over our heads and food on our table. We have each other and good health to boot! We are not in dire straights, because looking back I can see how he blessed us to be sustained at this time. God is good ALL the time and ALL the time God is good!
Yes...indeed...God is working and I pray for His peace to abound more each day in my life that I might experience a deeper faith. He is preparing...and while He is preparing I will praise Him all the day long through tears and even those times I am angry because of my selfishness in my desire to "know" the plan. I know through my praise He will reveal His plan and I will be ready to say,
"Here I am Lord, send me!"