Tuesday, January 22, 2008

We miss so many of the beautifully wrapped gifts from our Lord. We get busy and don't take the time to admire the beauty He reveals through His own creation. When I took my children to school this frigid morn, the sun shined brightly dancing on the freshly fallen snow. I was blinded only for a moment and then thanked my Jesus for the new day. I thank Him for the car I have to drive, for the house that I call home, and most of all for the three gifts who giggle in the back seat. A cup of hot chocolate with a dallop of whip cream and drizzled with sweet syrup brought warmth to my bones at the coffe house. Thank you Father for providing so I am able to raise my kids without working and be able to buy this cup of co-co. It is the little things we forget, but it is the little things we need to remember.

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