I have often referred to myself as the wondering nomad. We have lived at seven different addresses since the birth of my youngest son. He is seven years old. I joke sometimes and tell friends, “God wants me to know my home is not here on this Earth, but my forever home awaits in heaven.”
When it was time to prepare to move to a new destination, I usually had a garage sale or give away to get rid of items which we had not used or could do without. It always felt good…really great…to unload so many things. After all, it meant less for me to unpack upon arrival to our new home. I liked it best when I had the opportunity to truly bless someone with an expensive item they needed. We have given several refrigerators, a stove, microwaves, and washer just to name a few. We have always felt God’s blessings upon us. He has taken care of us every step of the way. We in turn choose to pass along our bounty to others.
I often sit in the quietness of my home after the children have gone to school and look at all the things we own and think…we have too much. And yet, other times I want to buy this or that to make this look a certain way. Why? I can’t take this stuff to my future home in heaven.
This is when I realize I need to prepare for my final destination…heaven. I need to have a heart give away and allow Jesus to cleanse me from the inside out. When I unload my heaviness and sin to the Lord, it feels good…really great…to be free! After all it means less for me to unpack when I reach my final destination.
Although I can not take material things with me to heaven, one thing I can take which I intend to develop here while I walk this Earth…fellowship. The relationship with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ will continue in heaven’s home. So for now to prepare for then, I will offer my hospitality and love. I’ll begin cultivating genuine friendship with as many who will allow me to encourage them knowing full well it is just the start of everlasting epic proportions of brotherly love which will continue in the glory of the Father!
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