Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ash Wednesday

I love this time of year; the season of Lent. But I have also boasted of Christmas as my most favorite holiday. At Christmas, we celebrate the coming of Jesus and stand in awe of the virgin birth. When Lent arrives we are reminded of the life of Christ, his ultimate sacrifice on the cross, and his resurrection. So how can I choose to look at these two events as separate? They go hand in hand…Jesus was born to die. He came into the world lowly born in a manger and left the world lowly hated by his own people. Why? Because he surrendered in the Garden of Gethsemane to his Father…to do God’s will and not his own…all because he loves me…all because he loves you!

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday. It marks the beginning of the Lent season. I usually try to give something up for Lent. Not just anything, but something I deeply desire on a regular basis. More than once I have given up Diet Coke and other years I have relented on chocolate. But this year is different. As I thought about Jesus in the Garden before the soldiers came and took him away, his ultimate surrender to God struck a chord with me. I don’t need to give up a thing for Lent. I just need to surrender myself and give up my agenda for God’s. It is the greatest gift I could give back to my King…myself for his service. So, how about you? Will you give yourself up this Lent for Jesus?

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship”

~Romans !2:1

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