Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Spiritually Coherent Lives

During my time with the Lord today, I read the daily devotion for November 25th in the book “The Utmost for His Highest” by Oswald Chambers. He questioned his readers about their “spiritual coherency” by asking if we were more coherent of the things of this world or more coherent of matters concerning the cross.

What does coherent mean I pondered. Well I thought I knew what it meant, but I had to look the word up and be sure… dictionary.com stated the physics of coherency was relating to or having waves with similar direction…capable to thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner; a “lucid thinker”… sticking together.

Which led me to look up lucid…easily understood clear perception or understanding…shining or bright.

So I ask, are you spiritually coherent this day? Are the waves of your life, good or bad, going in a similar direction…back to the cross? Do you think and express yourself in a clear consistent manner always sticking to the Lord Jesus shining as a bright star that others might see Christ in you? In everything we do there must be a clear and concise trail that leads back to the cross. If there is not and our path lingers too far to the left or too far to the right, we are not thinking with a spiritually coherent mind.

I always use to tell my players when I coached basketball they needed to be able to do the fundamentals well. It would make them a better ball player and enable them to do more to help the team down the road. If they found themselves going through a bad streak, I would preach get back to the fundamentals and often spend time with them before or after practice working with them to become better at the basics. In order to stay spiritually coherent we need to get back to the fundamentals. These include praise, prayer, reading the Word of God, and a solid church foundation where your soul can be fed and nourished by fellow believers.

I think I need to get back to the fundamentals and practice what I preach…lol!

1 comment:

meili_lo said...

hi there.. My Utmost used to be my daily devotionals too =) i was so blessed using that book...

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