Monday, April 15, 2013

Sweet Scarlet

It has been an extremely sad weekend for my family. A beautiful little girl named Scarlet entered through the gates of heaven. She was a full term baby that was found to be still born early this past Friday morning. She was beautiful…perfect in every way…an angelic face unblemished. A very rare twisting of the inside of the umbilical cord caused a fatal blood clot.

Her mother and father, my cousins, are left inconsolable and full of grief. The entire family is trying to understand the one burning question, “Why?” As for myself, I would love to be home in Pittsburgh today for the funeral and wrap my arms around them and hug them tightly and grieve a little while with them. But work has caused me to stay put until the end of the week when I have a four days off and will have time to go home.

But for now I will share a little poem I wrote to help me grieve at this time…



She was taken before she could be touched by human hands,

Held first in the arms of Jesus,

No pain….

No sorrow….

Will her precious heart ever know,

Only joy and happiness will abound in heavens home.



She will giggle as she runs through the tall grass,

And picks a bouquet of wild flowers,

To hand to her Father and King,

Together they sit beside the peaceful shore,

And toss stones that skip across the calm waters.


Scarlet is the perfect child,

With a perfect heart,

Who never sinned,

And always remains innocent,

She is happy and rejoices,

As she dances in the arms of Jesus forever more.

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