Monday, January 28, 2008

Skepticism Extinct

What is the one thing we will be able to take with us from this Earth to our heavenly home? Those of you who know me have probably heard my answer for this question. The one thing that we will be able to take with us from this Earth to heaven....drum roll please...fellowship.

When I invite other sisters in Christ to come over for coffee and we chat, laugh, ponder, and reminds me of how it must have been for the disciples with Jesus when he walked this Earth. The relationships we build with other brothers and sisters in Christ while here and now, will continue in the heavenly realms. I love having friends over, but I will truly revel in my passion for hospitality when I am in heaven preparing to dine with my beloved Jesus and other saints.

Instead of tears caused by the sorrows of life, joy will abound in jubilant speech as we pass through the pearly gates and reach our our final destination. Skepticism will be extinct. For all who enter Zion have faith... without the one true King!

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