Change is also equivalent to the word adjustment. Most of us are getting our children ready for back to school. Perhaps for some, today is the first day or your kids have already begun. It's time for new wake up and bed time routines, stricter rules for TV watching and Wii playing, and making sure they get out the door with a good breakfast and some prayers from mommy.
Change can also equal stress or more trust. We can choose to "stress out" or we can choose to "trust God" in every circumstance believing and knowing He always has our best interest in mind.
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and
lean not into thine own understanding,
but in all thy ways acknowledge Him
and He shall make thy paths straight."
~Proverbs 3:5-6
Lord, I pray for each person who reads this today that they would take just five minuets and sit quietly in your presence. May they hear your sweet songs, feel your deep compassion, and leave desiring more time alone with you. May they trust you and not themselves to make it through yet another change! ~Amen
Beautiful and encouraging post for today. Truly change is all around us and we can choose to panic or trust God. I loved the verse you shared today. Blessings to you.
wonderful post that seems to have taken a look at me and spoke right to me
Great thoughts! I love how you said, "Change is the equivalent of new beginnings." New beginnings are usually good, but often times they enjoy change!
Oh--thank you for your prayer, and for sharing this encouraging word. Hope your week is off to a great start.
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